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Showing posts from April, 2011

Unknown on Saturday's!

Surely today is rather unknown. I mean I don't have a planned post for today. I just will have to get more organized. I'll have to work to remember what needs to be put up on my blog. Let alone it needs to be kept up with. I really like my blog. I just need to get better with my posts. Love Britt <3

Friday's Short Stories!

Hey Everyone, I don't have a short story for today like I thought I would. So sorry about that. I've been trying to finish my books before the due date for the Library and I also have some goals I'm trying to meet by Sunday of this week. Love Britt <3

Must See Movie of the Week!

Movies, Movies, Movies! She's The Man! This movies is awesome. Amanda Bynes has really out done herself. First off, she has enough craziness in her to dress up as a guy for this movie. Second, she has to act like a guy which might have been pretty hard to do. Third, she had do this all for this movie and yet I still think she is one of my favorite actresses there is. She's the Man is the best Romantic Comedy since maybe John Tucker Must Die. I love this movie. Love Britt

Writing On Wednesday's!

Let's Play it By Ear! I have a terrible case of Writer's block. I've been trying very hard to get past Chapter Seven of my book, The Light Chronciles but it just isn't happening. I worked on it a few days ago but what I wrote really doesn't seem to fit. So now I need to figure out a Writer's Block Plan. How to get Past the Block? But I'm not sure how or what to do. I know a lot of you might have ideas so if you want to share then please feel free.  Love Britt <3

This Year's Book List!

Hey, So I think this is what Tuesday's post will be called from now on. I have a huge list of books I want to read. Is it crazy that I want to read so much? I don't think it is. But you never know right. Pretty Little Liars! I watched the ABC channel show that they made for this series and it was pretty good. I didn't finish it which totally sucked but I've decided I really wanted to read the book. So I added it to my list. I of course won't move on to anymore books until I get done with the others that I have started.  Well Happy Reading. Love Britt <3

Monday's Nano Dare!

Nano Dare! Dare: Write a Heated Discussion between all my characters while in a broken down elevator. "Dammit!" Will yelled sending her sneaker into the sliding doors of the elevator.  The doors didn't budge and this this helped the situation become much worse than it already had to be. "Why won't these stupid doors open?" Marine whined throwing her fingers over the buttons to the elevator.  Marine turned around to face the rest of the group who were stuffed into the elevator with her. She pointed a well manicured hand at Lucas who just stared at the unwelcoming gesture. "Lucas, do something!" Marnie yelped jabbing him in the chest and pulled him towards the door.  He smiled at her pulling his arm out of her death grip.  "Marine, I'm sure everything will be fine. Just take a deep breathe and count to ten." Lucas pulled out his cell and his eyes lost the sparkle that so many girls had claimed thrived in them.  "Whats - wh...

Fitness on Sunday!

Happy Easter, Today I decided since it was Easter that I wouldn't really do a huge blog post. So here it is. I hope most of you know that on Easter we celebrate what Jesus did for us, to save us. I believe in God and on Sunday the pastor said Blessed are those be who believe in me and have not seen me. Those are the words that Jesus spoke to his followers for they said they would have to see Jesus in the flesh with the holes in is hand and the gash in his side to believe that he has risen. Please remember what God has done for you. All the small things he has done in your lives even if you do not realize them now. He is risen. Love Britt <3

E is for Easter Eggs!

Hey, You know what I love about Easter. Other than the fact that it is the celebration of what Jesus did for us. I love Easter Eggs. I think they are the most amazing things I have ever had. Two days ago Amanda and I made filler for Easter Eggs, both Peanut butter and Coconut Cream filler. It tasted so good, the peanut butter one not the coconut cream, blah. I love peanut butter especially when it is wrapped around chocolate. It makes me think of the mall back home and the candy shop and the little chocolate peanut butter filled bunnies you bought around the holidays. It's just one of those things you really like doing, you know. Love Britt <3

Friday's Short Stories!

Hey, Well you see I've got this idea for a new Short Story called Rescue Me. I'm just still in the process of figuring it out. I think everyone wlll like this little short story when it comes to life. Maybe tomorrow I will spend some of my time on my book, The Light Chronicles. It will surely help me get my mind out of the gutter. I got to fine a way out of the dark place if you will. So yeah, hopefully I'll have some inspiration after working on my book Sunday. Love Britt <3

The Must Read Book List!

Hey, So I've decided that it's time to take a little chill pill on the books if you know what I mean. I'm just trying to read way too much and in such a short amount of time. I don't think I can make that work. So I'll just read the books that I've got on the list right now and then move on. We started our Easter Eggs today. We made Peanut Butter and Coconut Cream filling. I helped roll them into egg shapes and now they are in the fridge cooling, waiting for tomorrows chocolate coating. I'm so excited. I have off tomorrow and it's pay day. So excited! Plus, I get to go to a Flea market and I'm excited. I love Flea Markets. I use to go every Sunday morning with my Step Dad otherwise known as Step D. Love Britt <;3

Writing on Wednesday's!

Hey, Is it odd that I think I have no natural ideas for this blog anymore. I mean I can chat up a storm but it seems to go nowhere if you know what I mean. I like my blog. But I need more ideas. I'm not sure what to write on Sunday's. I'm such a procrastinator. It's sad really. But hey you can't blame me for trying to figure this out. Love Britt <3

The Book List on Tuesday!

Hey, Eldest! This book is on my list. I plan on reading it after I've finished some of the other books I've already aquired from the Library. Ah, got to love volunteering. But anyway, everyone says this book is amazing and I can't wait to read it. It's kind of like a big deal. Or maybe it's not. I went clothes shopping today. Yup, so some of that money went toward some much needed items. But if I'd spilled on what I bought well then I'd have to kill you. I want to go to the beach. Love Britt <3

Monday's Nano Dare!

Hey, No time tonight to do my Dare. Actually I've run out of good ones. I need to go and get some when I've got the time to check it out. I can't wait to go shopping on Wednesday. It's been a while since I've been to the mall. It's always nice going there. Yeah, okay, I go to check out the potential eye candy but what can I say. I'm a girl. Love Britt <3

Fitness on Sunday's!

Hey, Peace, Body, and Mind. Three key ingredients to a healthier more confident you. For me, being confident with my changing body is like every other girls struggle. There is just so much changing about your body that it is overwhelming. I could literally write a book on what the girl on the other side of the glass looks like and how we aren't one in the same. Life is like that. So is your body. Once you hit those dreaded but exciting teenage years you start to fill out as my mom would say. You start to get boobs, hips, weight, and curves. You start to look more like a woman and less like a girl. It can be terrifying. My mom tells me consistently that the body I am getting is meant for me. It's the perfect fit. I've gone through it and I'm sure many others have. I've obsessed over my own body for years. Wondering why I didn't look like someone else or why no one really looked like me. It's hard when you can tell that most women are skinny and I knew it ...

T is for The Light Chronciles!

Hey, Let's just pretend that this is Saturday's Post. Well for one because it is and two because I have no real ideas anymore. I'm beat and tired and can't wait to go to bed. But anyway, I wanted to talk about The Light Chronciles. I have driven myself into a hole and I don't know how to get out. Once I get my laptop, I'll be able to spend my work free hours with my book, reading, working out, and making some new friends. Which reminds me, I need to email the Pastor to talk to him to see if anyone lives around us. It'd be nice to meet people outside of church. I need to meet some people.  Anyway, I'm hoping soon to get some good ideas for my book. Got to pass the time somehow. I have too much I want to do and not enough time to do it. It really  sucks. Oh well, I got to make time. So I also have to call some of my family. Haven't talked to them in a while. Love Britt <3 P.S. Hey Step Dad and Mom, Hope you have an Awesome Easter Vaca i...

Friday's Short Stoires!

Hey, Well I've gotten back on top of the Nano Dare's but not really on doing my short stories. I'm telling you I haven't had any good ideas for one as of right now. Maybe I should do less reading and more writing. I need to find my balance. My goal is one hundred books this year but I know that's kind of pushing it. So I'll just get what I can done and move on. Anyway, I'm going to run through with ideas this weekend and see if I have a good one. I might have one idea, I just have to write it down on paper. Have a great weekend! Love Britt <3

The Book List!

Hey, So now I've limited my Book List to possibly five must read books in the coming weeks ahead. As most of you know, I've started  Linger and I am on page 109 of 360. So I have a ways to go yet but I'm really excited about it. Here are the other books on my list. 1. Heist Society 2. Raised by Wolves 3. Revolution 4. Eldest 5. Marley & Me I am so excited that this is what I want to read most right now as of for April and May. I have until May 10th to read them all. I hope I can make it to the due date. Right now, I want to finish Linger and start Heist as soon as possible. I also have a ton of books from the Library on Miscellaneous things like Pomeranian's, Shiba Inu's, Bernese Mountain Dog's, Great Danes, Dog Training, Manga, and etc. It's a rather large list and I'll probably end up taking  most of the books back before I ever get a chance to read them like I always do. What can I say, I love books. Love Britt <3

Writing on Wednesday's!

Hey, So let's see. I have nothing to talk about. I usually have at least something. Then again this is Wednesday's post which makes me a day behind on my blog. Blah, I hate it when I feel like being lazy. It always ends up hurting me in the end. So, anyway, I finally am debt free. I payed my friend back for the money she used to get me here in the first place. So I am glad that is off my belt. Now my biggest concern is to save up for college, a laptop, and to pay my monthly rent fee. But it's not as bad as it sounds. I just hope I can get the computer before I start college. That would work out for me better than the other way around. Well I hope this doesn't seem to diary like. I'm working on future blog post idea's as we speak. So see you around. Love Britt <3

This Year's Book List!

Hey Readers, I was so relived when I walked into the Library for my volunteering. After I was completely done helping people out, I got help for my own needs. I had to renew three books that were due this week and I hadn't had a chance to read them yet. So now all my books are due back in May. Which gives me plenty of time. I just hope I can read them all or then I might end up making a list. Also, I need to get my family to send me a package of my stuff. I need more of my things. I'm starting to forget what I had. It'd be nice if I could get some of my artwork but I know that would be hard to ship. I really want my birthday mug with all my pencils and things in it. I could use that here. Let's hope my parents send me some of my things. I would be so happy to see some new things. I need some change. Love Britt <3

Monday's Nano Dare!

Hey, Everyone should be really proud of me today, I actually got around to doing a Nano Dare. So now it's all ready to go and all I have to do is put it up. Well here goes nothing. I hope you like it. Dare: Famous Celebrity - Character(s) act Unexpectedly. Willow Crosswick was sitting at the computer studying Orlando Bloom's gorgeous face. "He's so handsome." she sighed flipping to another picture off of the google search engine. Will was a follower of Bloom, actually to be more precise, she was the President of the Local Fan Club which consisted of four other girls and one very nerdy boy. For some reason that never really seemed to fit with the rest of the swooning fan girls but somehow he frighteningly did. "Oh, Orlando. I wish...I wish...I'd get the chance to meet you, speak to you, get to know the man behind that stunningly beautiful face." she hugged her arms around her body. Willow understood that her fantasies were just a leap of...

Fitness on Sunday's!

Hey Blogger's, Can you believe it? For once in my life I am somewhat content with the exercise I am getting. I seem to finally be able to do a little more balancing with the time I spend at work and the time I spend at home. I am a exercise freak. I like to exercise. I like the way it makes me feel. I like the way it makes me look. I just really like it in general. That's one reason I'm looking for the right type of dog for me. I'm really interested in the Great Dane. I just love their size and they're exactly what I'm looking for in a dog. I mean it's like down to a T which sounds pretty silly. Even I can admit that. So now I only have a few things on my list. Pay back Amanda, Save for both College and Laptop, and save for Metrocon and stupid Prom dress thingy I am doing with Amanda. It doesn't really seem like my style. I never really imagined myself going to prom. Well I guess that's all I've got for today. Talk to you tomorrow. Love B...

Unknown on Saturday's!

Howdy Partner, B is for Bernese Mountain Dog! I have fallen madly in love with this dog. Ever since I saw the movie, The Good Boy. The movie had a Bernese Mountain Dog in it and I knew that was the breed of dog I wanted. That's all that matters to me. So I'm adding this dog to the list. Yay! I can't wait until I can actually own this hugely sweet dog. Love Britt <3

Friday's Short Stories!

Hiya, Would you believe that I've had no inspiration lately? Yeah, it's odd when you write a blog and seriously have nothing to write about. I hate it. But then again, I'm still adjusting to my new job Once I've become settled into it. I'm sure I'll have more time to write. So keep your eyes open. I may surprise you all sometime soon. Love Britt <3

Must Read List!

Hey Bloggers, I have no idea what to go over next. I mean there is so much I want to read but I need more time to do it. I also need to stop getting so many books from the library. I feel sort of bad because I should write more but I need to finish the books that are next. I believe I want to do Raised By Wolves. So I think I'll talk about that book in this post. So here it goes. Raised By Wolves By:Jennifer Lynn Barnes He's in a cage, I reminded myself, but the words meant nothing to me, because I just couldn't stop staring into his wild eyes and playing the last words he'd said before he Shifted, over and over again. I got bit. I got bit. I got bit. My thoughts: I think this book sounds really cool so far. I mean I read the back and it sounds awesome and I feel pulled into the story. The front cover could be more exciting however, but uh, who am I to judge. Anyway, I can't wait to start this book. Recommend it: I'll get back to you on that. Once I actua...

Writing on Wednesday's!

Hey Reader's, So I don't really have anything planned for today. I feel like I haven't been able to do this blog because I want to do other things. I am in the process of watching some TV series that I missed when I was living in other homes and with other people who may or may not be stricter then I am used to. I hate it when someone barges into your room and then wants to talk. I feel like they treat us like kids. When they're gone most of the day, it's our responsibility to do chores but we shouldn't be told when and how to do them. That's at our own will. We never said give us chores so we could be controlled. I feel controlled. I hate being  controlled. That's what bugs me the most. So I've got some good news. I finally finished Shiver. I started it March 13th and I finished it today. A little less then a month. I'm still a slow reader but I don't have time to read every second of my life. That's not how life works right now. No...

The Book List!

Hey Reader's, I have a ton of books on my book list. I'm trying my best to keep track of them but I'm a slow freaking reader and it seems to cause me some delay. I hate it. I really do. Plus, I'm in the worst mood. I guess I'm entitled to be moody once in awhile, I'm only human after all. You can't expect nothing out of me. Well let's see I'm still reading Shiver. Then I'll move on to Linger. Finally I'll read Heist Society and I'll be all happy with it. Love Britt <3

Monday's Nano Dare!

I'm working on a Dare for next Monday! So I don't have a dare for this Monday, just like last Monday. I feel bad but there's nothing I can do about it. I worked today and I'm busy tomorrow. What I can say is that Domino's Online Ordering is the best. I just used it for the second time. Hehe. Love Britt <3

Fitness on Sunday's!

Do I have a favorite Sports team? No, I don't really like sports so I don't really have a favorite sports team. I like baseball and tennis but I don't think there's any team in mind. So I'll just leave it at that so you can all ponder more of what I like as a person.  Love Britt <3

Unknown on Saturday's!

Yesterday's Post. P is for Petfinder! If you've ever surfed the internet looking for a new pet like I have then you probably have heard of Petfinder. It is a statewide website where rescues put pictures of available pets up for adoption. I always enjoyed going to the local humane society and looking at all the animals there that I couldn't take home. It was also a sad place but that's why I want to become a Vet Tech. So I can help animals find their forever homes. I love animals. So if you're ever looking for your forever best friend for the next couple of years then check out  Love Britt <3

Friday's Short Stoires!

I don't have a post for today. I have many excuses but none of them are worth explaining. I'm sorry. I really need to crack down. I'm still new at my new job. I'm learning fast though so soon I'll have it down to a science. Love Britt <3