Hey Readers, H a p p y H a l l o w e e n B l o g g e r s . . . . ! ! ! ! So yeah, I was sitting in my sisters room, minding my own business, playing some Skyrim on her Xbox 360 when my cellular device started vibrating. I looked down and it showed an unfamiliar number, so of course I picked it up. It turned out that it was my English professor. He told me that basically no one was showing up to class tonight, so he decided to cancel it. He thought a whole bunch of college students might try going trick or treating tonight. He was however, nice enough to let me know in advance before I drove all the way out there for nothing. Because it's funny but last Wednesday, English class was canceled as well and it was crazy. I wasted some serious gas to get to class and it turns out, I didn't even have to be there. It was very frustrating. The other day, I believe it was Monday or maybe it was Sunday, I went over to my boyfriends house. We were supposedly...
Welcome to my World. Full of my favorite books and my current reading list. The possibilities are endless and I hope to bring people who love to write closer together. I have made a new pledge to post on my blog everyday, no matter what I am doing. Happy Blogging!