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Welcoming little Baby Violet into Our Lives...!!!

Hey Y'all,

Violet and I meeting for the very first time. 

I 'm writing a very special post about the birth of my daughter, Violet Anne Ludington. She was born on January 19th, 2016 at 11:04 pm. I went into labor around 4:30 am that morning and my water broke around 12:30ish, about an hour after I arrived at the hospital.. I ended up having a ton of back labor that made labor really difficult for me. I ended up getting an epidural an hour or so later. Let me just say that an epidural makes labor painless. It was awesome. A few hours passed by and I started to feel some discomfort in my one side. I think my baby girl was pressing down on a nerve on her way through the birth canal. Anyhow, another hour so or so passed by and the pain was really intense. When they came in to check to see how dilated I was, I was at 10 centimeters.  I was in so much pain. The nurse came back in the room and told me to push. It was so painful and I kept going between telling saying I couldn't push to telling my boyfriend how much I loved him. I was so scared, it hurt so much. I was in so much pain that at one point I started to demand a c-section. My nurse and mid-wife were so kind to me through all of it. They understood. I ended up getting pain reliever and two more doses of the epidural. After those finally took effect, I was able to push again. Then about an hour later, my daughter, Violet was born.
After they gave me the epidural.

When I met my little girl for the very first time, I felt something I'd never felt. The love a mother feels for her child. It's such a strong feeling and one of the most amazing things I have ever felt. I'm so lucky to be the mother of such a beautiful little girl. Andrew and I are so lucky to have such a beautiful little girl in our lives. I'm so blessed to have my little family. Andrew and I couldn't be happier. The look on his face when he first met little Violet was a look of love and adoration. I can tell that he's gonna be an awesome father to her. She's so lucky to have him as her daddy.

All hooked up to her feeding and IV. 
Our little Violet came out of the womb with a fever and some liquid in her lungs so they took her over to the NICU for her stay at the hospital. While there, she got antibiotics in case of an infection, four IVs because she kept getting hers out, a feeding tube because she didn't take to the bottle right away, and some other monitors to keep track of her temperature and heart rate. We got to go in and visit her a bunch of times and the nice nurses there taught me how to care for her. I'd never held a baby before and it was terrifying holding my child. I kept thinking how small and fragile she was.

The next day, she was free of all tubes and IVs.

I have learned a few things about being a parent now that I am one myself. For one, its not exactly easy. I now have more respect for my parents than ever before. Little Violet needs us every few hours and it can be tiring, stressful, and not to mention overwhelming as well. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my little princess with each new day I get to know her better.

Car ride home from the hospital. 
Finally, on Monday, January 25th, we got to bring our baby girl home. The first night wasn't that bad. She woke up about every three hours for her feedings and diaper changes. It's funny, babies are kind of like the babies in the Sims. All they do is eat, sleep, need diaper changes, and cry. It's pretty basic stuff really.  Now it seems she eats every two to two and a half hours depending how much she eats at each feeding. Right now, we are breastfeeding her and supplementing with formula until she is able to get all she needs from me. She takes to both rather well.

Sleeping in her swaddle blanket.

I look forward to a mountain of firsts with my little one. I look forward to watching her grow and become more of a individual with each new day. I am a proud mother of a beautiful daughter who will grow up to be a beautiful woman one day. I couldn't have asked for a better little girl, a better family, or an amazing man to help me raise her. We truly are so happy and lucky. We couldn't have asked for a better start to our new lives and new roles as mommy and daddy.

Daddy and Violet

I just wanted to add that if my boyfriend, Andrew hadn't been there for the birth of our daughter. I'm not sure I could of done it without him. He was so amazing. He helped me breath through my contractions and held my hand. He encouraged me the whole time and made me realize how much I loved him. I know it hurt him a lot to see me in so much pain. I'm so lucky to have the most wonderful man by my side. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. I love you Andrew with all my heart. 


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