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Twenty - First Birthday Wishes...!!!

~ Twenty - One Birthday Wishes ~
When you wish upon a star 
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind 
She brings to those to love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true 

Jimini Cricket, "Pinocchio"

My birthday is fast approaching and with the disastrous fight between my mother and I and the move to my cousins house. I have had no time to officially plan my wish list for my birthday. If your a Disney fan, then I'm sure you recognize the song I quoted above. If not, then trust me when I say you seriously need to have a Disney Movie Night. If you happen to need advice on where to start with the Disney movies, then please don't hesitate to ask. I have seen and re-watched many, so I can put you on the path for your nightly watching.

I am thankful for my lovely family on my dads side who welcomed me into their home when I hand no where else to turn.

I am thankful that I no longer live under my mothers rule, we can now live in peace without the constant disagreement.

I am thankful to my cousins who have made me feel welcome in my new home, helping me adjust to the new surroundings.

I am thankful to my best friend who listened to my tale to tell and offered comfort where she could.

I am thankful for Josh, my amazing boyfriend, for being there for me, loving me, and telling me that everything will be all right. He is my rock and I am glad I have him when I need him the most.

I wish that my relationship with my mother does get better, that I will grow to hate her less because of the way she is.

I wish that my relationship with my little sister does not change and we stay close even though I am farther away. 

I wish that college will go smoothly, that my time from school will not affect me too harshly.

I wish that I will make new friends while having the college experience at HACC. 

I wish that I will be able to complete my reading goal for the year on Goodreads.

I wish that I will be a good student and not mess up my assignment again.

I wish that I will be able to be a good student at HACC.

I hope that turning twenty - one will be a good experience and that I won't be too drawn to drinking as a side hobby.

I hope that I will be able to raise enough money to move out in a year to my own place.

I hope that I will be able to continue college next semester, if I can somehow get the funds to pay for it.

I seriously hope that I will be able to continue making money or I should say enough money to live on.

I am thankful for my car, my beautiful 2004 Saturn Ion 3. I love my car.

That I will be able to enjoy a drink now and again, that is always something to be thankful for.

For my art to blossom, to get all crazy creative whenever the mood hits me and to actually do take my creativeness and create something with it. 

I need some inspiration for the books I am writing, I have major writers block and have not been able to find a way around this annoying part of writing.

I wish to make it to another birthday. That I believe is something everyone should wish for. 
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