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Showing posts from May, 2017

Toddlers and Sweets...!!!

Hey Y'all,     I was just wondering if anyone else has kids who view my blog. I have a daughter. She doesn't like sweets all that much. I'm not worried about it. I personally would prefer to limit the sweets she would be able to have. When I say sweets I mean like chocolate, cake, muffins, anything with a lot of sugar added.  Does anyone else give their kids these things? How early did you allow them to have sweets?  

Thinking About Startng a New Blog...!!!

Hey Y'all, So I am thinking of starting a new blog. I want to do something new. I also want to own my domain as well. I also am interested in earning money from blogging. I want to do this for my daughter. I want to work when I want to work and earn money when I want to earn money. I'm not really sure what type of blog I want to create. I am thinking possibly a lifestyle blog were I would talk everyday life, parenting, diy projects, new games, book reviews, movies I've watched. If anyone has an input on going this route, please leave a comment below.